Coppicing is one of the oldest methods of woodland management, and has been used for thousands of years right across the UK. It involves the technique of repeatedly felling trees at the base to encourage regrowth. Stems are cut on different rotations, depending on the species and what the wood is being used for. Using coppicing as a management method brings many benefits, including quicker growth, longer tree life, and increased biodiversity. And - of course - it provides a great sustainable source of wood.

Buy hazel sticks for your garden!
We’re committed to bringing coppicing back to Scotland, as there’s evidence of the use of hazel throughout Scottish history - the amount of hazel used in the recent Crannog re-construction is testamony to that! Part of bringing coppicing back is to build new markets for coppice products. And we’re starting with sticks! Hazel sticks make fantastic and sustainable replacements for imported bamboo or plastic garden supports.
We also create hazel hurdles and fencing. Get in touch to find out more.

Learn about coppicing
We use the coppicing to encourage more people to learn about sustainable woodland management, and cut the hazel throughout winter each year with the help of volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering in a coppice, send us an email and we’ll let you know dates and locations.
We’re also always on the look-out for hazel that is unmanaged, so we can bring it back into a coppice rotation. If you’re a landowner interested in exploring whether this might be in option, please get in touch.
The National Coppice Federation and the Reforesting Scotland’s Scottish Coppice Network are both great places to find out more.